Surely you have ever wondered what web positioning is (SEO positioning or, simply, SEO) and why it can be important for your internet business, right?
So let’s unravel the mystery: SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) is an online marketing action that serves not only to increase traffic to your store but also to make consumers find you at the right time.
Through the SEO strategy, you will be better positioned (higher in the search results) when a potential client enters a keyword related to your business in a search engine, for example, Google.
In this way, you will gain more exposure on the internet, and the chances that people looking for your product will become visit your site will increase. This type of strategy is key for special e-commerce dates like CyberMonday and Hot Sale.
The SEO strategy for your online store works like this:
More traffic = More customers = More sales
Now let’s go a little further: have you ever heard that content is king? This means that good content is going to be the one that makes you win the position battle in the search results and, therefore, the one that ends up generating the most traffic to your site.
What is considered “good” content? Not only one that is creative and original but also one that is optimized for search engines.
Important: About the content, we do not refer only to text but to any element that is included on your page. Visual content can attract visitors and make your page rank higher. So design beautiful pictures, make fancy videos and find as many resources as possible to make your content “good”.
14 SEO positioning keys
Let’s start with everything you can do internally with your website to achieve better positioning. We are going to show you some on-page SEO strategies that will surely bring you results.
1) Focus on keywords
Keywords are those that inform search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) about what your website is about. To find the best keywords for your e-commerce, you will need to do some research.
For that, we recommend you use the Google Keyword Planner, where you will discover the search volume of each keyword related to your business and the level of competition that each of them has.
It is clear that applying only keywords on your site is not enough for an excellent SEO strategy but combined with the advice that follows. Your e-commerce will surely achieve the first position in the search engine results.
2) Achieve attractive writing
This sentence has five words. Here are five more words. Sentences like these are fine. But many meetings become monotonous. Listen to what’s going on. Writing gets boring. And the sound becomes buzzing. It’s like a stuck record. And the ear demands some variation.
Now listen. He changed the length of the sentence and created music. Music. The writing sings. It has a nice rhythm, cadence, a harmony. I use short sentences. And I use medium-length sentences.
If you manage to please the search engines, you will get visits. And if you also manage to catch the attention of visitors, you will win customers.
3) Create a winning domain
What you have to take into account when creating your domain (or URL) is that it contains keywords that users would search for to find products like yours.
In this way, your potential customers and search engines will understand what your page is about just by looking at the domain.
Tips: a good domain will be one that is short, descriptive, and easy to read.
4) Pay attention to the names of your products and categories
When naming your products or categories, you have to consider how your potential customer would search for that item.
Continuing with the example of shoes, if you name a pair of sandals Sofia, it is unlikely that the user who is browsing your store will find them. They will probably get frustrated and leave your site in search of a more accessible one.
So that this does not happen, make the search easier! For example, you can call that item “Sofia” Leather Sandals.
5) Use description meta tags
What is a description or meta description meta tag? The information tells Google (or any other search engine) what a certain page is about.
This will directly influence the number of visits you receive from search engines. Therefore, use meta descriptions for each page of your site. Otherwise, the search engine will have to choose any part of your page to describe what it is about, and the user who entered the search may not find it useful and will choose another site.
The maximum recommended length for writing this description is 145 characters. Write it in such a way that it not only informs but also captures the attention of the person who is looking for it.
6) If you include images, make them accessible
There are three good practices when it comes to including images on websites :
- Alt Text
Since search engines cannot read images and identify what they care about, they have to be accompanied by a parameter called alt text (alternative text) that describes what they mean. The alt text becomes visible once you hover over the image,
- File name
We refer to the image file. Your name should be short and descriptive, as this will add value when the search engine tries to figure out what is being shown in a given image. Here it is not necessary to include as much information as in the case of alt text. Instead of naming the file “photo.jpg,” name it for what it is, for example, “leather-shoes.jpg.”
- Caption
An additional technique to achieve better SEO ranking is to add a caption that describes what is seen in that image.
7) Link your internal pages
What does this mean? Put links to the different pages of your site in different parts of it. This will allow both search engines and visitors to your online store to find more information and, therefore, have a better idea of what you offer in your e-commerce.
It will help search engines identify a common theme on your page since the contents will be related to each other.
8) Get quality links to your online store
A more “linked” site (that is, it has many links or links on other pages) is a better-positioned site. Why? Because for search engines, this means that your page is trustworthy and serves as a reference for many others.
Tips: receiving links from different domains is preferable to the same domain.
9) Rethink the text you use for your links
Search engines pay attention to the URLs (or domains) of the links and the text that represents them.
If you are writing an article about new spaces for entrepreneurs that combine the online and offline worlds, instead of putting “to learn about a new space for entrepreneurs, click here, “it would be better to write “meet a new space for entrepreneurs. ”
The first link does not offer any information to the search engine about where it is going. Instead, in the second example, there is an added value in communicating that the link leads to a space specially created for entrepreneurs.
10) Guest blog
This point is related to obtaining quality links, and one way to achieve it is to offer to generate professional content for blogs on other pages.
It is a very popular initiative since, in addition to generating incoming links, it will allow you to increase your audience and promote yourself as an expert in your category.
11) Try YouTube SEO
Producing quality content in other formats such as video is another way to create links from this platform to your website and direct traffic to it.
Making interesting videos about your brand can have many advantages, not only because these links allow you to climb in the search engines but also because you may find a large audience exclusively from YouTube that drives your sales.
12) Arm a good strategy in social networks
Sharing valuable content through social networks will allow you to expand your audience and grow your community while your website increases its authority, thanks to all the visitors and new incoming links.
In addition, this type of practice generates a “snowball” effect, in which more and more users will discover and share your content.
13) Create stunning infographics
Content in eye-catching and dynamic formats tends to be highly shared. The use of infographics and other graphic elements helps improve the readability of the content and the user experience.
By designing interesting infographics, other pages will most likely be interested in the content and decide to replicate it on their websites, with which you will be able to increase your number of incoming links and improve positioning.
14) Participate in forums and blogs in your field
Researching the places where communities of people with similar interests to your brand meet and share useful information is a good practice when choosing where to look for new links for your website.
Participate actively in blogs and forums. As soon as they mention a problem that your brand or product solves, you can take advantage of recommending it. Remember that it is not about making meaningless advertising but about providing real value.
At last
We hope that these tips will be very useful to you and that you can start applying them as soon as possible in your e-commerce.