Your heart circulates approximately 10 pints of blood 60,000 miles per day through your circulatory system. That system consists of blood vessels and tubes transporting blood throughout your body. Blood supplies oxygen and nutrients to your tissues, eliminates carbon dioxide and waste from them, and maintains your body’s functioning.
If blood is not flowing properly, poor circulation can lead to pain and long-term sores and ulcers on the skin. The absence of blood supply causes the tissue to break down and, in some circumstances, die.
The good news is that you can do many easy things to increase your circulation.
Change up Your Diet
Adjustments to your diet are also essential for better circulation. This is especially beneficial in combination with exercise, which can help you maintain your weight loss.
Dr. Hornacek states, “Carrying extra weight takes a toll on the legs.” “It improves the resistance against which veins work harder to pump blood through the body, and the veins already face from gravity. It also contributes to higher pressures in the veins and increased swelling.”
Moreover, reducing red meat consumption and full-fat dairy products may help treat or prevent atherosclerosis, which is responsible for PAD. You can consult your doctor and customize those items to meet your needs.
But there are a few particular things you should also alter or try with your diet.
- Consume less salt
- Try the Mediterranean diet
Increase Physical Activity
Regular cardiovascular exercise, like jogging, is beneficial for maintaining the health of the circulatory system and enhancing circulation. Research shows that it is connected with improved cardiovascular function and reduced blood pressure.
This kind of workout boosts the body’s ability to absorb and use oxygen. Additionally, it increases blood vessel’s ability to dilate, which helps them work more efficiently, enabling the muscles to receive oxygen more easily.
Exercise helps increase blood flow and reduce fatigue from daily tasks.
Try Yoga
Yoga offers relaxation benefits that may enhance blood flow and the benefits of stretching. Twisting activities transport oxygenated blood to your body parts. A lower head than a heart can facilitate blood flow from the lower body to the heart and brain. Yoga also raises your red blood cells’ haemoglobin content. Haemoglobin is a protein that increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of your body tissues.
Keep Your Legs Elevated
When sitting down, prop your feet slightly higher than your hips. This indicates that gravity makes it easier for the blood in your legs to return to your heart. If you frequently fall asleep while sitting up straight in a chair, consider lying in bed when you’re exhausted. This can prevent blood from pooling in your legs as you sleep.
Control Your Blood Pressure
If your blood pressure is too high, it can cause arteriosclerosis, a disorder that strengthens your arteries and can partially obstruct blood flow. Ask your doctor about the ideal values for your age and health, but aim for 120 mmHg above 80 mmHg or less.
Furthermore, you should review your reading at least once a month. You can purchase a home blood pressure monitor or utilize a kiosk at your pharmacy.
Take Advantage of Messages
A good massage provides a relaxing sensation and stimulates blood flow. The force of gravity can work against the natural blood circulation in the body. The position of your legs below your heart makes it challenging for blood to flow upward to your heart. Therefore, swedish massage therapy can stimulate blood flow, and your body will appreciate you.
Many people associate massages with pampering rather than medical care. However, it is an effective treatment to combat poor circulation. The masseuse’s application and release of pressure facilitates blood flow. Congested areas are removed and lactic acid is drained.